Thursday, June 26, 2008


Sorry for the long break ... I was busy with my projects and stuff ... the title of this post ... isn't it intriguing?? Even though it is a single word ... it says a lot and means a lot....

many aspects of life need to be questioned and and lot more of them to be explored... Life of a modern day student is like a long day which ends rather abrubtly... twelve years of learning tested in a single exam/test is not a fair option to the students who are fampously dubbed as the "Future of the Nation".... However, a large portion of the student community is able to reproduce all the concepts in a single day... And that is the difference between life and death...

I may have taken up an open ended topic for discussion, but i feel that this is the most important topic in the current scenario.... And I would welcome the opinions of the others here as well..